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Tears of a Tiger (Hazelwood High Trilogy Book 1) - Kindle edition by ...

# Tears of a Tiger: A Book Review - Introduction - Hook: Have you ever wondered how a single mistake can change your life forever? - Thesis: Tears of a Tiger is a young adult novel by Sharon Draper that explores the themes of guilt, grief, friendship, and redemption through the eyes of a teenager who struggles with the aftermath of a tragic accident. - Summary of the plot - Andy Jackson, a high school basketball star, causes the death of his best friend Rob Washington in a drunk driving accident. - Andy suffers from depression, guilt, and suicidal thoughts as he tries to cope with his loss and the consequences of his actions. - Andy's friends, family, teachers, and counselor try to help him, but he pushes them away and isolates himself. - Andy's girlfriend Keisha breaks up with him because she can't handle his emotional turmoil. - Andy kills himself with a shotgun, leaving behind a note that says "I love you all, but I'm sorry. Forgive me." - Analysis of the characters - Andy Jackson: The protagonist and narrator of the novel. He is a talented basketball player and a popular student, but he hides his pain and guilt behind a mask of indifference. He feels responsible for Rob's death and believes he doesn't deserve to live. He is unable to forgive himself or accept help from others. - Rob Washington: Andy's best friend and teammate. He is a cheerful and optimistic person who loves basketball and music. He dies in the car accident caused by Andy's drunk driving. His death affects everyone who knew him, especially Andy. - Keisha Montgomery: Andy's girlfriend and a smart and caring student. She loves Andy and tries to support him, but she feels overwhelmed by his depression and anger. She breaks up with him because she thinks he needs professional help and she can't give him what he needs. - Tyrone Mills: Another friend and teammate of Andy and Rob. He is a loyal and outspoken person who likes to rap and write poetry. He is angry at Andy for killing Rob and himself, but he also understands his pain and tries to help him. - B.J. Carson: The fourth friend and teammate of Andy and Rob. He is a religious and compassionate person who believes in God and forgiveness. He prays for Andy and Rob and hopes they will find peace in heaven. - Dr. Carrothers: The school psychologist who counsels Andy after the accident. He is a patient and empathetic person who tries to help Andy deal with his emotions and find a way to heal. He encourages Andy to write in a journal and talk to his friends and family. - Evaluation of the themes - Guilt: The main theme of the novel is guilt and how it affects people's lives. Andy feels guilty for causing Rob's death and for surviving while Rob didn't. He blames himself for everything that goes wrong in his life and thinks he is unworthy of happiness or forgiveness. His guilt prevents him from moving on and healing from his trauma. - Grief: Another theme of the novel is grief and how people cope with it differently. Andy grieves by denying his feelings and pretending he is fine. He avoids talking about Rob or the accident and shuts out everyone who cares about him. His grief leads him to depression and suicide. His friends grieve by expressing their emotions through poetry, music, letters, or prayers. They try to remember Rob's positive qualities and honor his memory. They also try to support each other and reach out to Andy. - Friendship: A third theme of the novel is friendship and how it can help people overcome their challenges. Andy's friends are his main source of support after the accident. They try to comfort him, cheer him up, make him laugh, or give him advice. They also challenge him to face his problems and seek help when he needs it. They show him that he is not alone and that they care about him. - Redemption: A final theme of the novel is redemption and how it can be achieved through forgiveness. Andy seeks redemption for his mistake by asking for forgiveness from Rob, his friends, his family, God, and himself. He also tries to redeem himself by doing well in school, playing basketball, helping others, or being kinder to himself. However, he fails to find redemption because he doesn't truly forgive himself or accept forgiveness from others. - Conclusion - Restate thesis: Tears of a Tiger is a powerful and realistic novel that portrays the struggles of a teenager who faces the consequences of a fatal mistake. - Summarize main points: The novel explores the themes of guilt, grief, friendship, and redemption through the characters of Andy, Rob, Keisha, Tyrone, B.J., and Dr. Carrothers. - Give final evaluation: The novel is a compelling and emotional read that makes the reader empathize with Andy and his friends. It also raises awareness about the dangers of drunk driving and the importance of mental health. It is a novel that can inspire hope and change in young readers. - FAQs - Q: What is the significance of the title Tears of a Tiger? - A: The title refers to Andy's nickname "Tiger" and his inability to cry or show his emotions. It also suggests that he is strong and fierce on the outside, but vulnerable and fragile on the inside. The title implies that Andy needs to cry and release his pain in order to heal. - Q: What is the genre and style of the novel? - A: The novel is a young adult realistic fiction that deals with contemporary issues and problems. The novel is written in a mixed-media style that includes newspaper articles, journal entries, letters, dialogues, poems, and homework assignments. The novel uses different perspectives and voices to show the thoughts and feelings of the characters. - Q: What are some symbols and motifs in the novel? - A: Some symbols in the novel are the car, the basketball, the shotgun, and the fire. The car represents Andy's mistake and guilt. The basketball represents Andy's talent and passion. The shotgun represents Andy's despair and suicide. The fire represents Rob's death and Andy's torment. Some motifs in the novel are dreams, music, poetry, and letters. Dreams reflect Andy's subconscious fears and desires. Music expresses Rob's personality and legacy. Poetry reveals Tyrone's creativity and emotions. Letters communicate Andy's feelings and regrets. - Q: What are some lessons or messages that the novel conveys? - A: Some lessons or messages that the novel conveys are: Don't drink and drive. Seek help when you need it. Talk to someone you trust about your problems. Don't judge people by their appearance or behavior. Forgive yourself and others. Cherish your friends and family. Live your life to the fullest. - Q: How does the novel relate to real life situations or issues? - A: The novel relates to real life situations or issues such as drunk driving accidents, teen suicide, depression, peer pressure, racism, family conflict, academic stress, and social media. The novel shows how these situations or issues can affect young people's lives and how they can cope with them. Here is the article based on the outline: # Tears of a Tiger: A Book Review Have you ever wondered how a single mistake can change your life forever? How would you cope with losing your best friend in a car accident that you caused? How would you deal with the guilt, grief, anger, and depression that follow? These are some of the questions that Sharon Draper explores in her young adult novel Tears of a Tiger. Tears of a Tiger is a realistic fiction novel that tells the story of Andy Jackson, a high school basketball star who struggles with the aftermath of a tragic accident that kills his best friend Rob Washington. The novel is written in a mixed-media style that includes newspaper articles, journal entries, letters, dialogues, poems, and homework assignments. The novel uses different perspectives and voices to show the thoughts and feelings of Andy and his friends as they cope with their loss and their lives. The novel explores the themes of guilt, grief, friendship, and redemption through the characters of Andy, Rob, Keisha, Tyrone, B.J., and Dr. Carrothers. It is a powerful and emotional read that makes the reader empathize with Andy and his friends. It also raises awareness about the dangers of drunk driving and the importance of mental health. It is a novel that can inspire hope and change in young readers. ## Summary of the plot The novel begins with a brief newspaper article about a fiery automobile accident in which one Hazelwood High student, Robert Washington, was killed. The article also notes that Andrew (Andy) Jackson was injured in the wreck and that he had been drinking and driving. Andy is a seventeen-year-old student who loves basketball and has a bright future ahead of him. He is popular, handsome, smart, and funny. He has a girlfriend named Keisha Montgomery who cares about him deeply. He has three best friends who are also his teammates on the basketball team: Rob Washington, Tyrone Mills, and B.J. Carson. The night of the accident was supposed to be a celebration for their victory in a basketball game. They decided to ride home in Andy's car while drinking beer. However, Andy lost control of his car while speeding on

tears of the tiger book



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